His Precious Gems

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Random Thoughts with Mz. Deborah.....
So today we got together and did Christmas boxes for our church to give away . It was a great time WRAPPING the boxes up and filling them with gifts for the kids. I just enjoy the fellowship with 
Sitting at home now, I had a RANDOM thought about 
“Our Boxes”
How silly we all were wanting to make the box as perfect as possible. We all got a WEE bit frustrated with our crooked wrapping jobs but enjoyed the time all the same.
“We are Christmas Boxes!”
Thats my random thought..... We sometimes get to caught up with our Wrapping Paper and how neatly we look from the outside, sure it’s great to be enticing with a big pretty bow saying “OPEN ME, I got something great inside....”
so randomly I thought what is inside our “Box” 
it better be just as wonderful as that outer appearance we worked so hard to make look pretty. The children that will receive  our boxes will most likely enjoy how pretty their gift looks but will be more excited to see what is inside!
What’s inside YOUR BOX?
Is it worth opening and taking a closer look at. 
Is it Jesus?
He is the ultimate GIFT.
He is the gift that keeps giving and is what we should all be taking that extra time to ensure is what shines from within and surpasses our outer appearance!
Remember to take time this week GEMS to reflect and nurture your relationship with your Father!
The Gift you have within you is AMAZING and is freely given to you through HIS love. 
You are His GEMS!!! 
Never forget to share HIS GIFT and to let it SHINE brighter than the BOW on your BOX!
Have a great & blessed week & see you all very soon! 
Loving & Praying for you Always!
Mz. D

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